The copyright in this document and the associated drawings are the property of INSCOPER and all rights are reserved. This document and the associated drawings are issued on condition that they are not copied, reprinted or reproduced, nor their contents disclosed except in cases and places where the system is used.
The publication of information in this document does not imply freedom from any patent or proprietary right of Inscoper or any third party.
INSCOPER and the INSCOPER logo are trademarks of INSCOPER Company (INSCOPER SAS - 12 square du Chêne Germain - 35510 Cesson-Sévigné - FRANCE). INSCOPER includes technology covered by the following patents:
- US Patent No. US10330911,
- EP Patent No. EP3123149,
- FR Patent No. FR3019324,
Changes will be made to the product on a periodic basis and these will be incorporated into new editions of user guides.