Semi-automated feedback microscopy feature

The Inscoper I.S. can be used to perform some feedback microscopy experiments. For example, you can image a large sample using the tiling dimension. Then you can select a few areas of interest on this large image and automatically import them into a new sequence.


To use this feature:

  1. Realize a large image using the Tiling dimension.
  2. Add some ROI to structures of interest.
  3. In the Visualization tab, click on the white triangle on the right of the window to open the Metadata tab.
  4. Select the Tag tab.
  5. Here all ROI are presented. You can add, edit or remove ROI according to your needs.
  6. Add some tag name to each ROI if necessary.
  7. Select ROI of interest. Positions of these ROI will be re-sent to the Acquisition tab later.
  8. If tilings are needed, adjust here all the settings.
  9. Select where all new positions will be stored (new sequence of pre-existing one).
Tip: This feature can be used to (1) fastly scan a sample with a low magnification objective and then (2) rescan it with a higher magnification.
Tip: Similarly, it can be used to (1) prescan a sample with a brightfield light and then to (2) use fluorescence only in structures of interest to prevent phototoxicity