In Positions dimension

  1. Use the Supported plate dropdown list to select the support you need.
  2. Detect the well plate using the Find Center.
  3. Automatically move the stage to some wells.
  4. Create a Focus Map for some wells.
  5. Select the wells that you want to image.
  6. By checking the box Pattern, you can generate random points in each selected well by entering the number of desired points and the minimal distance between them.
  7. Validate the settings by clicking on Add.
    Tip: In the virtual well plate map, you can select a whole line by clicking on the letter indicationg that line. Similar features are available for the selection of a whole line, or a whole plate
    Tip: You can select multiple wells at once by holding down the mouse and moving the mouse over different wells.
To edit pattern, click on Edit.
  1. Choose which pattern you want to create: Grid or Random.
    1. If Grid, set:
      • the number of image you want to acquire horizontally and vertically;
      • the distance between 2 positions;
      • the offset X and Y (allows you to move your pattern in the well).
    2. If Random, indicate the position number and the minimal distance between positions.
  2. Save your pattern by click on Add.
  3. Come back to the dimension by clicking on Switch to WellPlate.